
2014-1-15 _ Zuna _ 6923Diagemtas Zuna is a Lace and Grey daughter born 4th March 2013. She is litter sister to Hella.
I have been waiting over 8 years now to add the right blue merle bitch to the group and Zuna fits perfectly with what I want.
She is full of energy and can be a bit noisy when she plays, especially with sister Hella, who she does tend to boss around a bit at times. Zuna has always been the bossiest of all her siblings.

She used to have the same habit as her dad Grey in that if she thinks she can get away with it she would push the other dogs out of the way with her body so she gets the fuss instead of them. She soon learnt that if she did that she gets ignored and did not get the fuss she was hoping for.

Zuna has passed her Kennel Club Good Citizen Puppy Foundation, Bronze, Silver and Gold  tests and is now  training in the Platinum class

2013-8-28 _ Zuna _ 6203

Zuna is clear for CL and  TNS through parentage. She is DNA tested clear for IGS but carrier for CEA

Zuna had her first litter with Broon on 12th April 2016 and is proving to be a very good mother with all the right instincts. She never fails to amaze me.



Pedigree of Diagemtas Zuna

Hella and Zuna